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2006-02-05 05:50:20
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Academy of the Order

Welcome... this is the Academy of the Order! Here, you will be taught the arts of magic, warfare, healing, and so many other things that you have not even dreamed of!
Teachers of the academy
Student applications
Headmaster's office
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2005-11-06 [+Shadow+]: *A young Vampire like girl walks in* Hello.

2005-11-06 [Blinded Seraphim]: nice to see you made it

2005-11-06 [hytrjuhytjhgjg]: Hello

2005-11-06 [Firenze]: *Ms Leonov walks around a corner with a pile of books in arms and a brown satchel full of potion bottles* Hello headmaster

2005-11-06 [+Shadow+]: Yes I guess it is nice.

2005-11-06 [Blinded Seraphim]: hello Ms. leonov, how goes the potions class?

2005-11-06 [Firenze]: The same as always but then again students will be students and treat potions as joke anyway *she said pushing her glasses up slightly*

2005-11-06 [+Shadow+]: *Looks back and then her gaze is pulled back to the headmaster* Soo.......Potions class?

2005-11-06 [Blinded Seraphim]: ah yes, some dont take the art seriously, i however always keep a few potions at hand just in case

2005-11-06 [Firenze]: Good, you never know when they might come in handy, well I have to be off I have a phasing class to prepare and tomorrows potion lesson supplies to gather, good day *she walked off heading towards the potions labs*

2005-11-06 [+Shadow+]: I love potions. I love magic......vampirism for one reason and one reason

2005-11-06 [Blinded Seraphim]: Fine just dont, you know,...bite our students

2005-11-06 [+Shadow+]: I wont. I just went through my complete changes last night. It hurt........*Looks around*

2005-11-06 [Blinded Seraphim]: Cant say as i would know. came close to being turned, but then i was a slayer so i kept a ready supply of curative

2005-11-06 [+Shadow+]: *Eyes snap back to the headmaster quickly* Slayer??

2005-11-06 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: calm yourself, Lezlie. he's not going to slay you.

2005-11-06 [Blinded Seraphim]: let me rephrase myself...Retired slayer.

2005-11-06 [+Shadow+]: *Gives a sigh of relief* Thank god. *Places a hand on her chest* You had me scared there for a second.

2005-11-06 [Blinded Seraphim]: you have nothing to fear, most of my gear is gone

2005-11-06 [+Shadow+]: Thank God........*Looks around once more* Is there any other demonic creatures beside me and him? *Points to The second headmaster*

2005-11-06 [Blinded Seraphim]: hmm... i believe we have another demon,cant recall which one though

2005-11-06 [Blinded Seraphim]: 3 more demons actually, mr. mishata, mr nakamura and ms yudan

2005-11-06 [Yudan333]: *smirks* yes... >:)

2005-11-06 [+Shadow+]: *Looks happy for once* long as I'm not alone.

2005-11-06 [Blinded Seraphim]: ah, hello ms. yudan, didnt see you there, how are your classes going?

2005-11-06 [Yudan333]: never... they are well I have done 2... ^^'

2005-11-06 [Blinded Seraphim]: good to hear

2005-11-06 [+Shadow+]: Hello..........

2005-11-06 [Yudan333]: Thanks and Hi

2005-11-06 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: *scoffs and leans against the wall* my students... eh... *holds his thumb and pinky out and waves his hand* so-so... they're not the best bunch but at least they're there to learn...

2005-11-06 [Blinded Seraphim]: ah, ms. yudan, allow me to introduce lezlie,she has come to take a look at the school. lezlie, this is ms. yudan, our Meditation and teleportation teacher

2005-11-06 [Yudan333]: ^^ pleasure miss Lezlie ^_^ Havn't had any student's yet... Gives me time to change things before class >:)

2005-11-06 [Blinded Seraphim]: yes, ill have to get around to assiagning course loads

2005-11-06 [+Shadow+]: lol. *Walks over to the dork leaning against the wall and grabs his hand and makes him slap himself softly* Lol.

2005-11-06 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: ah, yes, Yudan... refresh my memory, have you applied for my academy? i believe so far i only have Anton and Daniel to my name... i could use some more teachers, but you have to pick your favorite because we're going to have some tournaments after our schools really see some action... or perhaps we could just have the teachers fight first off, that would help determine where their standings will be in my arena...

2005-11-06 [+Shadow+]: lol

2005-11-06 [Blinded Seraphim]: indeed...and how would you have fight against me oni?

2005-11-06 [Yudan333]: yes I applied... and you added my info

2005-11-06 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: heh... maybe i wouldn't... depending on who would choose which side, i might be busier with someone else... my bet is that Yudan at the very least will favor our side... T.T i hope...

2005-11-06 [Yudan333]: Oo;;; Don't hurt me! >< *hides* I like both schools ><

2005-11-06 [+Shadow+]: *Leans against the wall and listens to the old friends carry on convos*

2005-11-06 [Blinded Seraphim]: now dante, leave her be, if she wishes to favor both of us let her...

2005-11-06 [+Shadow+]: *Smiles*

2005-11-06 [Yudan333]: oo *is being tossed between 2 academys* >< I CAN ONLY DO SO MUCH! @_@

2005-11-06 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: but how are we going to get a teacher free-for-all going if we can't make up teams...? O.o now that i think about it, i don't think ANYONE would favor my school... T.T

2005-11-06 [Blinded Seraphim]: lol, the down side to new schools is apparent now, eh dante?

2005-11-06 [+Shadow+]: I like your school.

2005-11-06 [Blinded Seraphim]: whos?

2005-11-06 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: yay \m/(^.^)\m/ Kirby says rock on!!!

2005-11-06 [Blinded Seraphim]: yea, 1 supporter, umong many now? lol

2005-11-06 [Yudan333]: ^^ I WILL ^^ *hugs Enzeruyasha*

2005-11-06 [Blinded Seraphim]: lol

2005-11-06 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: will whut? be on my side> o.o YAYER!!!

2005-11-06 [+Shadow+]: *Smiles and lets head fall back against the wall*

2005-11-06 [Yudan333]: ^^ yup >:) DARKNESS in a Oo light sort of way.... ^^;;;

2005-11-06 [Blinded Seraphim]: if youll excuse me...i must get back to assingning classes to students

2005-11-06 [+Shadow+]: And if you excuse me I have to find people to talk to.

2005-11-06 [Yudan333]: lol OK ^^ laters! *waves*

2005-11-06 [Blinded Seraphim]: there, done, classes should start very soon

2005-11-06 [Yudan333]: :) hee hee

2005-11-06 [Blinded Seraphim]: :) to u 2

2005-11-06 [Yudan333]: no no... I meant >:D

2005-11-06 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: lol

2005-11-06 [Yudan333]: XD HAHAHA!

2005-11-06 [Blinded Seraphim]: your all insane, i would just like you to know that :)

2005-11-06 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: o.o thanks! X3

2005-11-06 [Yudan333]: ^_^ THANK YOU THANK YOU! *bows* O_O *gasps and drops jaw* THAT MONKEY STOLE MY WALLET! *runs after it, when no one could see it*

2005-11-06 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: XD she's fun-ny... kinda kawaii too

2005-11-06 [Blinded Seraphim]: whispers, "i didnt see a monkey anywhere, did you?"

2005-11-06 [Yudan333]: *comes back with a scratched and bruised face* I HAVE my wallet! ^_# *black eye*

2005-11-06 [+Shadow+]: *Lezlie laughs* I DO! I DO! IT"S THERE! *points to the monkey infront of yudan.*

2005-11-06 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: XD omg *cleans her up* jesus h. christ! it must've been the Evil Monkey In Chris' Closet...

2005-11-06 [Yudan333]: OO NUU IT'S BACK! *runs with wallet* MINE MINE MINE!

2005-11-06 [Blinded Seraphim]: ...i seriously dont see a monkey

2005-11-06 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: *points at it* it's right there!

2005-11-06 [+Shadow+]: I DO! I DO! *Jumps up and down and points* Lmao.

2005-11-06 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: *starts pointing widly* riiiiight theeeeeeere!

2005-11-06 [Yudan333]: *runs with Wallet* MINE >< *20 minutes pass and she comes back, face beaon, ripped clothes, and a hell of a migrange* @_# He stole my money and my pride...

2005-11-06 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: *flattens the monkey and steals the wallet back* Evil Monkeys bow to me. *hands Yudan her wallet and cleans her up*

2005-11-06 [+Shadow+]: *Lezlie runs to yudan* Are you ok?

2005-11-06 [Blinded Seraphim]: maybe you should toalk to [Your Psychiatrist] XD

2005-11-06 [Yudan333]: X_X *takes wallet* t-thanks.... *rubs neck* I feel funny....

2005-11-08 [hytrjuhytjhgjg]: evil monkey is chris' closet? not the one I know?

2005-11-08 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: lol from Family Guy... thas the one...

2005-11-08 [hytrjuhytjhgjg]: oo good.. i thought you meant.. o.O .. lmao.

2005-11-08 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: err... noooo...

2005-11-08 [hytrjuhytjhgjg]: *dusts self off* well good, anyways..

2005-11-08 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: oh ha ha... lol

2005-11-08 [hytrjuhytjhgjg]: ^^

2005-11-08 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: *puts an arm around her and kisses her cheek* ok i didn't take it serious, happy now? lol jp

2005-11-08 [hytrjuhytjhgjg]: ugh... happy? more like confused..

2005-11-08 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: XD aah forget it...

2005-11-08 [hytrjuhytjhgjg]: ok...

2005-11-08 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: eh... *gets a dumb look*

2005-11-10 [EdgeV10]: i don't know why your all fooling around when theres work to be done *walks off*

2005-11-10 [wolf of lust]: what work would that be?

2005-11-10 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: Heh... My students are on vacation... They learn far more from me in a much smaller span of time. If they actually do what I say... Which isn't always the case...

2005-11-10 [Blinded Seraphim]: You all leave Edge alone now, hes one of my students

2005-11-10 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: A student, you say... Well, quite the student indeed... Is he taking any of my classes?

2005-11-10 [Blinded Seraphim]: dont know, have assigned him a full course load yet

2005-11-10 [wolf of lust]: Edge is a good student

2005-11-10 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: Hah, I look forward to making him a great student.

2005-11-10 [Blinded Seraphim]: he has your Sensory enhancement class Mr. Ancelcius, dont be too rough on him or ill turn you into a goat!

2005-11-10 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: right, right... i'll just turn back into a wolf, dumbass.

2005-11-10 [Blinded Seraphim]: yes...but turning you into a goat would still be very entertaining for a few seconds, your smell would certainly improve :D

2005-11-10 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: yeah, i'm sure you'd love it...right about until i kicked you in the nuts with my goat hoof.

2005-11-10 [Blinded Seraphim]: i can phase genious, remember?

2005-11-10 [Eyes of the Reaper]: *genius

2005-11-10 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: yeah but i can unphase you.

2005-11-10 [EdgeV10]: umm Headmaster umm have you looked at my student aplication where my name is

2005-11-10 [Blinded Seraphim]: Why? is there a problem?

2005-11-10 [Blinded Seraphim]: my apologies

2005-11-10 [EdgeV10]: It's ok headmaster your not to blame

2005-11-10 [wolf of lust]: *jumps on couch*

2005-11-10 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: [EdgeV10], whenever you want to begin your sensory enhancement, just leave a comment in the classroom and i'll get to it when i can.

2005-11-11 [EdgeV10]: ok

2005-11-12 [hytrjuhytjhgjg]: Yes.. i really need to fix up my other classroom's.. ><

2005-11-12 [death how i long to embrace you]: so tell me what this plave is about if i can?

2005-11-12 [death how i long to embrace you]: ok thats very helpfull

2005-11-12 [Yudan333]: *appears* HA >:D I HAVE MY WALLET and that monkey will DIE! .....o.O

2005-11-12 [death how i long to embrace you]: ummm ok then looks like i shall not get help anytime soon *sits down*

2005-11-12 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: this place is basically for teaching everything you need to know about being a warrior, [death how i long to embrace you]. As is my academy.

2005-11-12 [Yudan333]: oo Sorry... Im insane... But My students like me! ^^

2005-11-12 [death how i long to embrace you]: alright then so how do i join

2005-11-12 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: apply. just fill out the form.

2005-11-12 [death how i long to embrace you]: alright will do

2005-11-12 [GlassCasket]: ok im ready to start teaching all of my classes whenever the students are ready to learn all they have to do is leave a comment in the room they want to learn first

2005-11-14 [Paradox-]: when can i start my classes?

2005-11-14 [Blinded Seraphim]: Have i given you your course schedule?

2005-11-16 [Empty~Soul]: um can i join? i cant promise when i will be on but i still wanna join

2005-11-16 [Blinded Seraphim]: Send me the app and ill put it on

2005-11-19 [Empty~Soul]: ok

2005-11-25 [+Shadow+]: *Sighs* Hey people.

2005-11-28 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: Hi ^.^

2005-11-29 [+Shadow+]: Preppy are we?

2005-11-29 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: huh???

2005-11-29 [+Shadow+]: Nothing....

2005-11-29 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: ...?

2005-12-21 [Voice of the Voiceless]: SHUT UP!!!!! lol jokin whats up everyone

2005-12-21 [Blinded Seraphim]: no one is here, dante asnt even been on in quite a while

2005-12-26 [+Shadow+]: This I think we all know captain obvious

2005-12-26 [Blinded Seraphim]: :P

2005-12-30 [+Shadow+]: lol

2005-12-31 [Yudan333]: ((FYI I am back but going to be slow so many mails to check! ><))

2005-12-31 [Blinded Seraphim]: alrighty then

2005-12-31 [+Shadow+]: ??????

2006-01-01 [Yudan333]: Oo Sorry... I'm Insane! ^^ WOOT!

2006-01-01 [+Shadow+]: Im confused......

2006-01-01 [Yudan333]: Oo Forget it! *teleports away*

2006-01-01 [+Shadow+]: lol

2006-02-05 [Paradox-]: can i advertize something?

2006-02-05 [Blinded Seraphim]: I suppose it wouldnt hurt, what is it before i decide though?

2006-02-05 [Blinded Seraphim]: of course, ill message you the password

2006-02-05 [Paradox-]: this page is editable only by the owner

2006-02-05 [Blinded Seraphim]: now it isnt

2006-04-23 [kagome-180]: hi,can i join?

2006-04-23 [Blinded Seraphim]: well... if you want but this wiki is pretty much dead

2006-04-23 [kagome-180]: oh...ok

2006-04-25 [Paradox-]: oh and can you take off the website i psted? its dead and i have a new one.

2006-04-25 [Blinded Seraphim]: okay, go ahead

2006-04-25 [kagome-180]: so what do i do?

2006-04-26 [Blinded Seraphim]: well i suppose since this place isnt good for much else, its basically a convo page

2006-04-26 [kagome-180]: oh kool

2011-07-09 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: I demand this become an rp >>

2011-07-09 [Yudan333]: it was once upon a time i was a teacher ^__^

2011-07-09 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: oh oh can we reopen it!? *gives her puppy dog eyes*

2011-07-09 [Yudan333]: idk [Blinded Seraphim] owned it. and he's not on... maybe we can but some pages i dont think we can edit cause he owns it

2011-07-09 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: :/

2011-07-10 [Yudan333]: yea. he's been missing nearly 300 days.

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